English Democrats MEPs would seek to work with Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders in the European Parliament should the party be successful in next week's European Elections, Robin Tilbrook has revealed.
Speaking to the BBC this afternoon, Mr Tilbrook explained that the English Democrats have had discussions with regard to the possibility of joining the European Parliament grouping currently being proposed by Marine Le Pen of the French Front National and Geerd Wilders of the Dutch Freedom Party. Both parties are riding high in opinion polls in their respective countries and are expected to do extremely well in next week's elections.
When questioned about the alleged extremism of such groups, Mr Tibrook pointed out that Madame Le Pen has done a great deal to ensure that her party's message is entirely moderate and reasonable.
At a recent meeting of the National Council of the English Democrats, the principle that English Democrats MEPs would seek to work with the group envisaged by Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders was approved unanimously. Other groups likely to be included in the group are the Flemish Vlaams Belang and the Austrian Freedom Party, with whom the English Democrats have corresponded regarding possibe co-operation at European level.