The English Democrats are launching an EU Parliamentary Election Campaign from the village of Fobbing in Essex on the 30th April 2014 at 10.30 a.m. The very site where the original Peasants Revolt in 1381 started with the original “Jack Straw”.
Our theme leads to us calling for an English Revolt against the British Political Establishment. In the same year that the SNP is campaigning for Scottish Independence, England also needs its independence from the UK for even clearer reasons than the Scots do!
Our campaign slogan is:- “Let the English Revolt Begin!”
The English Democrats are standing a full slate of candidates across all England in the EU Elections. All of our nominations have been accepted. The English Democrats are aiming to do much better than the 279,801 that we achieved in the last EU Elections, with a spend of under £25,000 on the last occasion. This time not only are we better prepared, but the question of English Identity is much more high profile with over 60% of the population of England saying that they were “English Only” (over 32 million people) and less than 30% saying that they were in any sense “British”.
Robin Tilbrook, the Chairman of the English Democrats and the English Democrats’ Leading Party List Candidate in the East of England Region said:- “English people are becoming increasingly fed up with being fobbed off by the British Political Establishment with a much lesser standard of public service, whilst our tax money is used to give extra subsidies to people in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and wasted on British EU membership, instead of being spent in England to look after English people and the interests of our English Nation. We in England need a political party dedicated to the interests of the English Nation. The English Democrats are that Party!”
We are appearing on the Ballot paper as:-
English Democrats - I’m English, NOT British, NOT European
English Democrats -Putting ENGLAND First!
Our election Slogans are:-
English & Proud
England says NO to EU rule
England says NO to mass Immigration
England says NO to Sharia Law
English Jobs for English Workers
Robin Tilbrook
The English Democrats